The Science Behind Supporting Your Working from Home Team

science behind supporting your working from home team

Working from Home – the New Normal

One of the biggest immediate changes as a result of the pandemic has been the transitioning of your staff to working from home. Sure, you have seen all of the checklists, what to do and how to survive articles. But if you really want to know how to make your team successful, here is something that will help you as a manager.

The Science Behind Supporting your WFH Team

Gallup recently identified two things critical for business survival during this time:

  • Employee Engagement as one of the most important factors of business survival during a crisis;
  • Strong individual support for WFH staff to avoid the 3 – 6 week slump when the isolation, loneliness and worry take a toll.

Imagine if you could see at a glance what specific support each staff member needs and where they can use their strengths to be successful when WFH.

Research Backed Solution

Our Transitioning to Working from Home Assessment is underpinned by Harrison Assessments, a research-based assessment system with over 30 years of continuous development. Unlike many other assessment tools, Harrison Assessments are job-centric, encoding in their assessments the parameters for High Performance for specific roles.

Why Use this Assessment?

The Transitioning to Working from Home assessment is a behavioural competency that supports employees transitioning to different working arrangements. It identifies the causes of any unease that they feel, and highlights the strengths that they can leverage in the new environment. For managers, it shows what to leverage and where to encourage and support their staff during this time. Best of all it allows easy discussions between the manager and staff member about concerns that might not otherwise be voiced.

What is Covered?

These are the sorts of things that are covered in the report – by the way, you can see a sample report here.

  • Working successfully with increased autonomy
  • The tendency to research, learn and experiment with different ways to be successful in a changed work environment. 
  • The tendency to self-organise, thoughtfully consider work requirements and be productive. 
  • A healthy, optimistic and resilient attitude with which to embrace the change and challenges. 
  • The tendency to collaborate with others in their work, using new mechanisms and technologies.

Need more information?

Download the sample report, then please email or call.

Other Ways we are Helping Businesses

Leadership for WFH Workforces

We can also assist with behavioural competencies that will help leaders and managers to strengthen their leadership when they their team is not physically located with them.

*   WFH Leadership will identify strengths and areas to focus on during these times.

*   Collaboration and Team Competency focuses specifically on collaboration and team-ship. It is useful for identifying strengths and areas that require attention when teams are dispersed. These competencies will highlight the collaboration styles of managers and staff.

*   Engagement Assessment benchmarks and then keeps track of engagement levels of individuals and teams. Our Engagement assessment is very different to other engagement surveys. Call us to find out how.

If you would like to talk more, or how I might be able to assist in other ways, I am happy to zoom.

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